PinnedNitin AggarwalinSwiftableJSON Parsing with Codable in SwiftIn Swift, to supporting decoding and encoding we must adopt the NSCoding protocol and implement its methods.Sep 84Sep 84
Nitin AggarwalDifference between Equatable & Comparable Protocols in SwiftLevel: Intermediate, Priority: High6d ago6d ago
Nitin AggarwalinSwiftableiOS Interview Guide: How Swift compiler optimize performance with immutable collections?Level: Intermediate, Priority: HighSep 19Sep 19
Nitin AggarwalinSwiftableMastering UserDefaults: The Right Way to Manage Data in iOS AppLearn how to manage UserDefaults for large iOS apps.Sep 142Sep 142
Nitin AggarwalinSwiftableAvoid Retain Cycles in Swift’s ClosuresLevel: High, Priority: HighAug 27Aug 27
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Nitin AggarwalinSwiftableiOS Interview Guide: Error Handling with URLSession Tasks in SwiftLevel: Intermediate, Priority: MediumAug 16Aug 16
Nitin AggarwalinSwiftableiOS Interview Question: Synchronous Vs Asynchronous tasks in SwiftExplain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous tasks in Swift. When would you use each?Apr 121Apr 121
Nitin AggarwalinSwiftableiOS Interview Guide: Equatable ProtocolLevel: Intermediate, Priority: MediumFeb 124Feb 124
Nitin AggarwaliOS Interview Guide: layoutIfNeeded and setNeedsLayoutLevel: Intermediate, Priority: HighOct 2, 20232Oct 2, 20232